Thursday, June 13, 2013

Discography on "Discogs"

I have recently added 2 unreleased physical copies of some of my works under my old alias, DRYLHRTWRNR :

I haven't thought of actually releasing them yet (one is on tape, the other is on CDr), mostly because it doesn't really fit in with the rest of my releases on my Bandcamp, and also because I never originally intended for them to be released "officially".

St. Marcellus discography (new single to be added soon) :

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The new single "Trees For Animals" will be released June 30th on my Bandcamp. It will include the song "Trees For Animals", and, if it is downloaded, it will also include two bonus tracks :
-Nacho (on Soundcloud:
-Given Time (unfinished)

Here is the finished cover art :

Hope it is enjoyed!