Thursday, July 26, 2012

List and description of my various aliases

I noticed recently that I have created quite a few different aliases for my music. This post was made just to clear some things up.
DRYLHRTWRNR-  This is my official artist alias for any relatively recent music I have created (mid-2011 to present, excluding Mountain Flyer), and it is also the name I use to refer to the entire group of aliases on my Bandcamp website.
GALACTIC LODGE-  This alias was used for just one 3-track album released on my Bandcamp, titled "Supernova". I used this name because I didn't think that it had the same feel and emotion as the rest of my music, and the music itself was supposed to feel spacey and strange, so I came up with "Galactic Lodge".
BROWN-  This is one I'm just now releasing to the public, for I have never released anything under this alias. "Earlier Recordings", an album on my Bandcamp that I released under my official name, was originally an unreleased album under the name "Brown", titled "1500 Wind". There are still a couple of songs left from this alias that have never been released (yet..).
BEAN EYES-  This is another name I have never released music with, although I did make a few songs in early 2011 using this name as the artist (though I never made an album with them). The name itself is a play on words to make it sound as if you're saying "be nice", and there's no other real reason why I created this name. The music made under this name and "Brown" are very similiar in sound.
T E S T A L A- This is a strange one. So strange that I had to think a little bit trying to remember my thought process for creating this name. I only recorded a couple boring (in my opinion) songs under this name in late 2010. This name is obviously an abbreviation, and it stands for "The Egocentric: 'Supernova, Trigonometry, And Lucifer' Association"... and there's no meaning at all behind it, surprisingly.

As you may have noticed, I have been holding a lot of unreleased music for quite a long time. This is largely due to the fact that I never originally planned to release any music on the internet, and I also think a lot of my work is not pretty or talented or hi-fi enough to be enjoyed by an audience expecting something greater. So, if I may or may not release any music from some of those unreleased aliases in the future, this could be the only post or reference on the internet concerning these names (which I find pretty cool!).

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This is a self-made picture of the duo (brother and I) Mountain Flyer, an incredibly awful band that is obviously just for fun, and that's the best way to describe it. 
Anyway their first (and possibly only) release is on my Bandcamp, featuring 3 tracks of poorly recorded, sugar-induced madness. My personal favorite is the last track, "Youth", especially at the very end. The recording captures the moment I laughed harder than I've ever laughed before right as my brother slams the bathroom door to our bedroom studio, literally about to pee his pants.

new EP: (big) Update #2

First post with completely new information. Below is the final edit of the cover photo of the new EP. As you can see, it will be named "Summer of Everything".

pretty cool, brah.

Also, the tracklisting has been completed:
1. Running Fine
2. Fearing The End
3. Time, Wasting
4. Everything
5. Puzzle Cycle

new EP

More information on the new EP coming out in less than a week!
EP update #1

new EP

FIRST POST. New Ep is coming July 31st on my Bandcamp. Details coming...
New EP announcement (releasing July 31st)